Remedies for Summer Time Maladies: Natural Care of Sunburn, Mosquito Bites, and Bee Stings

Along with summer comes a host of maladies that can plague humankind. The sun, being closer to our earth can set skin aflame with searing pain. Insects abound attacking and causing stings and bites. Even certain plant life, when touched, can cause itchy, excruciating rashes and blisters.


Practically everyone has experienced the painful blazing heat of sunburn. The skin turns red, it feels hot to the touch and everything aches. In actuality the skin has been cooked by the rays of the sun and the first thing to do is to cool down the affected area. Immersion in a cool bath to which several tablespoons of baking soda have been added will stop the cooking process and cool the skin. If the face is affected, cold compresses should be applied. Diluted apple cider vinegar can be applied to the sunburned area. This should be done as soon as possible. Vinegar is an acidic and will return the pH level of the skin as near to normal as possible.

An old fashioned remedy is to beat an egg until frothy. Gradually add 1 teaspoon Castor Oil while beating. Continue to beat until mixture becomes thick. Apply this to the skin. Wheat germ oil and salt water can also ease the pain of sunburn. After the damage is done, the skin must go through a healing process. Application of Vitamin E oil or Aloe Vera Gel will speed up this process. If blisters appear or heat stroke is apparent it is always best to consult a doctor.

Mosquito Bites

Bee stings and mosquito bites are just a part of summer. Mosquitoes can leave itchy raised bumps on the skin that can become infected if scratched. There are several natural ways to stop this itching and avoid any infection. Immediately after being bit, apply table salt to the bite which has been moistened with a little saliva. Apply a paste of meat tenderizer or a dab of toothpaste to the bite to stop itching. Rosemary or Lavender oil, both of which have antiseptic properties, can be applied and both smell good as well. Witch Hazel will stop the itching of any mosquito bite as will sliced onion and garlic (does not smell good).

Bee Stings

Bee stings are a little more complicated. First, the stinger must be removed or all remedies will be in vain. Crushed mint leaves rubbed on the sting will stop pain. Crushed basil leaves will prevent swelling and pain. Apply the juice from a honeysuckle vine or crushed parsley. Actually, any green leafed herb, flower or grass will do. Once crushed, it will release chlorophyll which is a natural pain killer. A moistened tea bag (not decaffeinated) used as a poultice will help as will a dab of honey. Other things that block pain and swelling are bicarbonate of soda, sliced onion, diluted lavender oil or crushed garlic.

If extreme swelling or difficulty breathing occurs there is an allergy to bee stings. In this case do not waste time with these remedies. Immediately seek medical help. It could be a matter of life or death.

These problems are just a part of summertime and if you do not have abnormal or unusual reactions, they can be just a little aggravations that don’t have to interrupt your summer fun.